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Glen Cook
Progress: 20/569 pages

Reading progress update: I've read 53 out of 577 pages.

The Darkness That Comes Before - R. Scott Bakker

This book suffers from --



Extreme Over-Editing
Game of Thrones level of psuedo-intricacy
Lots of Exposition
Infrequent, but still annoying, Info Dumping


Extreme Over-Editing:

There's a point where you've edited something SO much that you begin to shave off its "soul." Almost all mediums of art can fall under that definition: actual paintings, literature, music, etc.

What I mean by this, in terms of writing, is that you've gone over and edited something so much that it becomes TOO straight laced. It doesn't take risks. It doesn't take liberties with forms of writing, grammar, or dialogue. It uses the tried-and-true, to-the-letter approach. Not even making deliberate errors or anything, but just going with the "safe" approach to writing.

Not saying that it's bad, in and of itself. It can work really well when you have a setting or characters that can carry it. But I don't think this is one of those times.

TLDR; the writing style itself is boring.



Game of Thrones level of psuedo-intricacy:

53 pages in, we've been introduced to quite a few different lineages, regions, territories, names that blurr together ( in terms of who did what at what point in time ), political maneuvering, and "plots within plots." But all of this leads to ----- >

Lots of Exposition:

Self explanatory. Lots of "he did" and "she did" that seems to build up backstory, except the pacing is getting bogged down from it. Which in turn leads to ---- >

Infrequent, but still annoying, Info Dumping:

Self explanatory. Every couple of pages (4-5) we a page to a page and a half ( sometimes more ) of info dumping on a territory / lineage / person / event / etc that doesn't really need to be there. It doesn't ... do anything besides provide yet more backstory that doesn't seem to be causing anything to change RIGHT THEN.